
Friday, December 6, 2013

On This Feast Day

Just a few notes to myself, to capture some moments I want to cherish on one of my favorite feasts...     
Very simple, just chocolate coins and candy cane cups (like a peanut butter cup but with a minty, candy cane filling, yummy) in their shoes. But oh, how it delights them.
Reading The Miracle of St. Nicholas, getting teary, again. Thinking Mara is not paying attention at all, but when we get to the page about the candle, she stops me to point at the Advent wreath and says, "Mama, these are MY candles." Thinking Johnny is not paying attention, but then when we get to the page about the bread, he stops me to ask me, "Is that the bread that becomes Jesus? See, I knew that!" Kay's delight at "knowing all along" that the shoemaker is the priest. The "big" girls not too big to listen intently to a picture book.

Baking speculaas. Because we do it every year.
This year, we'll read a new St. Nicholas book as we wait for cookies to come out of the oven, The Baker's Dozen: A Saint Nicholas Tale.

Joyous Feast dear friends! St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, pray for us!

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