
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Five Favorites: No Sleep Edition

Five Favorites, hosted at 
1. Vanilla Sugar. I made a cake that required vanilla bean this weekend. Part of the reason I picked this cake was because I wanted a reason to buy vanilla bean, use it in the recipe and then put the pod in a container with sugar. I wanted to do this because I have heard how incredibly awesome the sugar becomes once the vanilla begins to share its essence with the sugar. All true. Awesome. And now I must find ways to add vanilla sugar to everything.

Rapidan River Peach2. This Virginia wine. I picked it up at my local Wegmans. It was for the same party that required the cake with vanilla bean. I purchased totally on a whim. The party was around teatime with light fare. Lots of fruit and cheese and a chicken salad. I had never tasted it. I vacillated between worry that it would be too sweet and cloying with peach and confidence that it was the perfect choice. It was perfect. Yay me!

3. Baptisms. This Sunday we baptized Ella and Mara. The reason and circumstances for Mara being two years old I won't go into. Suffice it to say I am so so happy. It was lovely. My girlies looked darling. 

4. St. Gianna Molla. Sunday was her feast day. I did not know this when I scheduled the date. But this dear saint did. When I was pregnant with Mara, right after a complicated pregnancy with John necessitating a pre-term delivery, I was nervous. I was lucky enough to be blessed with a relic of St. Gianna and I begged her intercession to keep me and baby healthy. I stayed healthy, but had some pre-term labor. The family and I weathered it all beautifully and Mara is a sweet delight in our home. 

Much to my surprise, and pretty far into it, I realized I was pregnant with Ella. So uncomplicated was this pregnancy, I had no (NONE) morning sickness, very little fatigue, excellent overall health. Once again I begged the saint's prayers and once again was able to be blessed with a relic. Sunday morning I realized this was her feast. I am so delighted my little girls will share their baptism day with the saints who interceded so powerfully for us.

5. Fresh flowers on my table...or kitchen island....or counter. I bought a bunch of white tulips to decorate for Sunday. Carmen went out a snipped some small branches of Virginia Redbud to add to the vase. It was so pretty! The Redbud was already fading, so it didn't last past Sunday. But the tulips are still going strong and look lovelier every day. I've decide a small bunch of flowers is a good thing to add to the grocery list every week.

Check out more favorites at Moxie Wife.

1 comment:

  1. Redbuds are so gorgeous! And that wine sounds so good. I'll have to look for it during my next trip to Wegmans. :)
