In a little while~I'm out to sign up Kay (9) for dance and pick up big girls from the mall.
This week~Carmen's never-ending soccer. She has joined a travel team. We are very happy about the team. Its a great fit, great families. We are very excited to see her get to play at a more competitive level. But good grief, it is a lot of soccer. She couldn't be happier.
Anna tests for her black belt on Saturday! So proud!
Hopefully Thursday will be nicer outside and we'll enjoy a day at the waterpark with the cousins.
Praying~Well, I want to say, cancer sucks. But you all know that, right? So, since complaining is futile, all I have is prayer. For family, for friends.
In the schoolroom~Lots of deep cleaning, lots of planning. Feeling good. And so strange to not plan for Maddy. Maybe I'll share some plans. I also have a new year of art class to lay out, an 8 week Botany course for grade 1-2 and a little boys virtues (imagine Justice League meets the saints, so excited to do this with Johnny this year) club to plan for.
In the kitchen~Need serious crock pot/casserole/teen-can-pull-together menu planning. Falls is busy, but I a still committed to good healthy food on the table every night, even if we eat in shifts.
Living the Liturgy~Ugh, personal prayer. Yeah, that's where I'm at. Working on it.
Oh yeah, did I mention Carmen gets confirmed and Aggie makes her First Communion this year?
Time to go get the girls. Consider this my feeble attempt to jump back into the blogging.
Nice to hear from you again. Living the Liturgy~Ugh, personal prayer. Those words come from my mouth. Let's remember to pray for one anothter, for all those busy mommas aroun the world, who never seems to have time to pray for themselves. If I pray for you and you pray for me .. more prayers all around.